The following is a compiled list of hot keys for Kali Linux Rolling.

Basic Functions

Alt F1 = Kali Applications Menu
F10 = Current application’s main menu
Alt F2 = Run a command
Alt F4 = Close Window
Ctl F4 = Close Tab
Alt Tab = Switch between running applications
Alt ~ = Switch between current application’s windows

Online help: F1
Left menu on cursor: F10
Open window: Alt+F1
Open command window: Alt+F2
Close window: Alt+F4
Move window: Alt+F7
Resize window: Alt+F8
Toggle maximization state: Alt+F10


Basic Application Operation Commands

New File: Ctrl+N
Cut Selection: Ctrl+X
Copy Selection: Ctrl+C
Paste From Clipboard: Ctrl+P
Undo Last Action: Ctrl+Z
Save Current File: Ctrl+S
Quit Program: Ctrl+Q



Screenshot: PrintScreen
Screenshot of a window: Alt+PrintScreen
Screenshot of an Area: Shift+PrintScreen
Screenshot to clipboard: Ctrl+PrintScreen
Screenshot of a window to clipboard: Ctrl+Alt+PrintScreen
Screenshot of an area to clipboard: Shift+Ctrl+PrintScreen
Record a short screencast: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+R

Move window one workspace to the left: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Left
Move window one workspace to the right: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Right
Move window one workspace up: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Up
Move window one workspace down: Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Page Down

Minimizes all window: Ctrl+Alt+D
Activate the window menu: Alt+Space